Feeling Anxious πŸ€”? Look πŸ‘†

1 month ago

Key Scripture πŸ‘‡

Matthew 6:34 πŸ“–

Beloved of GOD ALMIGHTY,

There are days, I feel anxious, antsy even, wondering where help will come from, and I think and think but I end up not finding the solution...up until I lay it at HIS Feet in prayers πŸ™..then I find comfort, peace and I know HE will take care of that situation, that problem 😊 because HE is My HEAVENLY FATHER πŸ‘‘πŸ™

I urge You Beloved of GOD ALMIGHTY, when it gets rough, don't look down or around You, look up unto JESUS CHRIST, Our LORD, KING and SAVIOR...we are in safe Hands πŸ™


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