Eat to Slow Aging—Keto Diet for Anti-Aging, Brain Health, and Cancer Prevention

3 months ago

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How is the standard American diet linked to rising cancer rates? How do we switch our cells’ metabolism to anti-cancer mode?

“By definition, a cancer cell is dividing and growing, and it can’t hear the ‘shut off’ switch,” says Dr. Annette Bosworth, who has helped many, including her mother, nutritionally overcome cancer.

A cancer cell learns “to live off of one of the most wasteful products in your body—as far as energy conversion goes—which is blood sugar,” she adds.

How can we limit this food source in our cells to prevent cancer and counter its growth?

Bosworth is an internal medicine physician and an expert in metabolic health.

For this new “Vital Signs” webinar, she reveals the keto diet method she’s used time and again to reinvigorate patients’ health and fight cancer.

A cancer cell is by and large a restricted eater, Bosworth explains: “They can’t use those fatty acid chains; can’t use those ketones, like our healthy cells can. They can simply use the glucose to generate their energy.”

How do we switch our healthy cells from glucose- to ketone-energy mode? How can we test our daily progress in lowering our cellular risk of cancer?
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