Why I am 'notching up' my 'antisemitic' rhetoric

1 month ago

Because these things we call 'Jews' are far more guilty than the majority of us 'goyim' realise, which I've known for a few decades now. They also don't have a Divine human soul but are rather Ai creations designed to destroy us. As of November 2024 I think it's fair to say that many of the more powerful ones have been dispensed with by the Worldwide Military Alliance with the rest to follow, leaving us free to fulfil our God-given destiny unhindered. Praise be!

The tip of the spear emerges with lashings of counter intelligence so the links that you see here in this description (November 2024) might morph into disinfo/BS beds over time, it's just how stuff seems to work during this most brutal of ongoing PSYWARS.

That said...All eyes on Pascal Najadi! Use discernment! This character is indeed The Tip Of The Spear.

Telegram News channel (currently called WAR CORRESPONDENT: https://t.me/warcorrespondent107
Pascal Najadi Twitter account:
'Pascal & Diana' Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/user/PascalAndDianaNajadiKennedyKahlooniQ

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👉 My Metaphysical Musings Rumble channel for thought promoting content:

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