First World Leader Facing Murder Charges For Pushing mRNA Vaccines on Public

3 months ago

During the dark days of the Covid plandemic, Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates openly bragged that the entire world would be vaccinated with mRNA by 2030.

Unfortunately for the globalist elite and their tyrannical vision of microchips, open air prisons, and extreme depopulation, the last two years have not gone to plan. In fact, they have been a disaster for the globalists.

Rather than complying with the diktats of the elite, the people of the world are waking up and demanding justice. This movement, which started from nothing, has now become so powerful that the first world leader is now facing charges for mass murder over the deaths of millions of people caused by mRNA vaccines.

The mainstream media, beholden to the global elite, are doing everything they can to cover up this story which threatens to discredit everything they have been spoon-feeding their brainwashed audience for years.

But here at the People’s Voice we are not beholden to anybody and that means we can bring you all the details about the world’s first Covid pandemic mass murder inquiry.

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