Atomic Biscuits - 20241117 - Assembly

2 months ago

This week the new and improved Trump administration assembled a very interesting array of people, some we know and some we've had to dig a bit to find out who they are and what they've been up to. The picks are clearly non-careerists for policy and decision-making posts and decidedly experienced careerists who've demonstrated skill and solidarity with MAGA and America-First principles. From Marco Rubio to Vivek Ramaswamy to Elon Musk, thumbing his nose at Nikki Hayley and promoting his campaign manager to head the White House team... strategic, incisive, biting. This is a great start; and there is already jockeying in the halls of Congress for a seat at the table...on the Republican side of the aisle. Long time nevertrumpers continue to whine. Listening to frail old Dick Morris last Sunday on a feed here from Newsmax was almost comical as the network continues to frame itself as conservative while neocon to the core. We see you Newsmax. When it mattered the most, you failed, and now you need your viewers back? no thanks...and that goes for ABC, NBC, CBS... the old broadcast big three titans of the states along with your 4:3 cable infotainment partners CNN, MSNBC, and even Fox news...all apparatus of a broken globalist hand programming a nation to do its will.
This inflection point in history, where one party...a populist flavor of republic, now holds the Supreme Court, the entire Congress, and the White House, provides a unique opportunity to forge the next 50-100 years of what America will be. As General Flynn told Infowars the night of the election, this is no time to crow, but to stay vigilant to win the day and continue to fight THROUGH and keep fighting.
We also have some landmark decisions in our favor. With the end of Chevron, with other Supreme Court decisions putting power back in the hands of the states, by defunding and defanging the unwieldy oppressive and weaponized federal government, we hope to see it returned to its Constitutional proportion and reigned in by the People. Entire swathes of this government will likely be shuttered, shocking many of the career criminals who've grown fat and comfortable on the abuse of public taxes. Returning the power of the purse to the people can curb the monster.

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