Islam Refuted

2 months ago

The Voluntarism and Occasionalism problem: Robert Reilly- • Robert R. Reilly: Not What Went Wrong... ; • 28 May 2019 The Closing of the Muslim... ; ; Surah 5:17 the eternal Quran can be changed (eschatologically)?
Problem of Induction - • Induction
Occasionalism which destroyed scientific study in Islamic history
• Pt 1/2 - Robert Reilly - Islam Yester...

If Allah can destroy everyone on earth including the most righteous, 5:17, 8:17, 2:284, he is the Compeller 59:23 “Wouldst thou then constrain the people, until they are believers?” (10:99, Unless Surah 9:29 abrogated this.) “But those who deny Our verses are deaf and dumb within darknesses. Whomever Allah wills - He leaves astray; and whomever He wills - He puts him on a straight path.” 6:39 The idea of free will seems to be indicated here- 18:29, 13:11, 8:53; but yet nullified here- “For whoever wills among you to take a right course. And you do not will except that Allah wills…” (81:28-9) “And if Allah willed, He could have made them [of] one religion, but He admits whom He wills into His mercy. And the wrongdoers have not any protector or helper.” (42:8) This supreme essence of his volition even over any nature he may have would also make sense as to how Allah can absolve sins by an act of will (Surah 2:25, 8:38, 29:7, 39:53, 46:16) causing the good deeds to remove the evil deeds (Surah 11:114) even changing the evil into good deeds (Surah 25:70). (In contrast to Christianity where an eternal God who doesn’t change can only be appeased by an eternal propitiation which he himself provided through the eternal person the Lord Jesus Christ, who indeed came in the flesh for this selfsame thing. In Christianity this is the reason behind eternal torment in hell- because God cannot change.) In Islam apparently, Allah could absolve everyone by an act of pure volition but doesn’t.
In Surah 6:148- 150 Muhammad seems to be arguing here that these pagans who claim Allah forbade certain things and would bring witnesses to testify, are obviously wrong as they associate partners with Allah (Ad hominem fallacy). He doesn’t provide a refutation of determinism in the face of criticism from idolaters, instead he seems to confirm it.

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