DO NOT ATTACK THE LEFTIES | forgive them | It Is A Super Power From God

2 months ago

Christ Loved You And Gave Himself For You.

It does not matter if they hate you, despitefully use, unapologetically spit on you.

In spite of their willful rebellion, outright distain for you and make fun you of your family lifestyle.

Mocking you, and calling you names are the only tools they have; [tHey] bark.

That is how you will know they are part of Satan.

Matthew 16:24-26
Amplified Bible
Discipleship Is Costly
24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to follow Me [as My disciple], he must deny himself [set aside selfish interests], and take up his cross [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come] and follow Me[believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me].

25 For whoever wishes to save his life [in this world] will[eventually] lose it [through death], but whoever loses his life [in this world] for My sake will find it [that is, life with Me for all eternity].

26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world [wealth, fame, success], but forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
I am no martyr, but I know the way of the World. The World is anger, death, dying, and hate.

Love has no place in their heart until the millennial promise.

Again, do not mock them back. They cannot touch the Apple of God’s Eye, you.

They can bark and howl, scratching and scrapping the ground. Kicking up dust, to make themselves to be larger than life itself.

Psalm 17:18

Psalm 17:8
Keep me [in Your affectionate care, protect me] as the apple of Your eye;
Hide me in the [protective] shadow of Your wings

Even though proceed with caution

Jude 1:23

Jude 23
23 save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy but with fear, loathing even the clothing spotted and polluted by their shameless immoral freedom.

My interpretation of this verse, (above) after having used this Verse of God for nearly 30 years.

In an attempt to extricate someone from their despair and hate, as you carefully extract them, tempting them with spiritual food, out of their polluting circumstances, on some have mercy and others beware of their powers of seduction into the darkness.
Seduction of Darkness
1. Control
2. Power
3. Sexuality
4. Wealth
5. Popularity
Is that not what movie stars receive. Do not be surprised if at some time in your lifetime you will be offered all of these in varying degrees.
When first heard the term Starseed, I did not care for it.
From my youth, I knew I was on the Earth to serve others.
To lift, to do for others what they could not do for themselves.

Before you roll your eyes and see your Mother’s boyfriend from the 1960s. Peace, love and all that shit.

My desire to serve others, is not, was not a sign of the times of the 60s, but a trajectory of my Earthly heritage.

My flight path from God and my swimming the aether to get back to God who is my Father.

The nomenclature Starseed seemed to be to Foofoo for me. Light Worker is a better term.
Now as I understand the term(s): as some who is from the stars, pointing to the stars and returning to the stars.

The writer below, CODEZVII helped me to better understand the term of Starseed. I say bless his words and work with others.

/////////// LOVING /////////////////
///>>>CodezVII <<<///
Yes / we are at the
/////////////// ENDING TIME ///////////////
of this CIVILISATION ///////
and are on ///////// RED ALERT /////////
for the FINAL WORD
from ////////// MOTHER EARTH //////////
on her tilting of
We do not know the exact minute /
so I cannot answer your pleas towards coming home to your
or exactly when that shall happen / however / I can tell you it is to be ANYTIME now /
I do know that the
////////// LIGHTED REALMS //////////
are most pleased and thrilled
that all you LIGHT WORKERS
have fulfilled their /// MISSION ///
with flying colours /
and have greatly helped towards the GALACTIC FEDERATION clearing the DARK FORCES
from ////////// MOTHER EARTH //////////
the MOON and this SOLAR SYSTEM /
I can say that the ACCOMPLISHMENT
was done by the LIGHTWORKERS without any ego of personal gain /
and that it has all helped clear
the way for St. Germain
to invoke the /// VIOLET FLAME ///
of Transmutation which has filled
the surrounding Ethers to the brim /
This has never happened
before since this /// CREATION ///
was first created by our
There are still THOUSANDS
upon THOUSANDS of ET Members surrounding MOTHER EARTH
in their Spaceships waiting
and / also / to meet all their
working down on EARTH
for its ASCENSION /
Their arrival up on the MOTHERSHIPS shall be the occasion for a / GREAT BANQUET / for all that shall last several days / if you count EARTH TIME /
At this point / I do not see any FURTHER EARTH MISSIONS that need to be made down on MOTHER EARTH /
What is most important
at this time of waiting for the
////////// LAST TRUMPET CALL //////////
is to take care of yourselves /
I know that you LIGHTWORKERS
are exhausted and ready to drop /
Let me explain part of this exhaustion /
Do you realise that you are taken aboard the MOTHERSHIPS every night in your SLEEP-STATE for more Meetings and Lessons? We do gather together for many great MEETINGS of DISCUSSION and enlightenment / but for the most part it is about the important details of the coming EARTH Ascension processes that you need to be INFORMED of /
I hear from you that you feel like you have never SLEPT all night and get
up as TIRED as when you laid down to rest / Your fleshy envelope tries to rest / but you are ETHERICALLY in the Lighted REALMS most of the night /
Yes / I did say I foresee no more EARTH MISSIONS / but it is still most important for you to take TIME for self and read and MEDITATE each day / I do not suggest for hours on end /
but to nonetheless set aside
a suitable time when
you can commune with us /
Coming HOME to your SPIRITUAL REALMS is to be anytime now /
but you are nevertheless advised
to keep on with your personal
and not spend these last precious moments just wishing
to be back in your Home / WORLDS /
You are in our LIGHT-BEAM constantly / and are protected from all the EVIL that may seek to HARM you / You must also ask for guidance from your SPIRITUAL Guides to become more centred / focused / balanced and calm /
and to clear yourself often from
any remaining KARMIC
blockages from the Past /
Remember that EACH DAY
that you are still on EARTH
is a GREAT GIFT from
////////// MOTHER EARTH //////////
and evolutionary learning /
Use it for your SOUL Growth
and give out
/////////////// LIQUID LOVE ///////////////
and LIGHT to all /
I do indeed foresee that the
////////// END OF THIS ///CIVILISATION ///
IS NOW /// UPON US /////////////////
////////// //////////
Follow CodezVII on X too
BOOM! Putin’s Explosive Blow to Rothschilds: “Future Generations Will Be Born Without Chains!”
Putin and Rothschild in the background.
While Putin is picking a piece of lint off of his shoulder.
Russia Kicked Rothschild Out


I love your spirit
Remember: Only ten percent of the people who watch the video, will bother reading to the end of text to find any comfort.
Appreciate Y’all

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