20241118 181722 Tux Exploring the "Front Yard"

29 days ago

Tux's second visit to the area in front of the building, the side that faces the parking lot. In hindsight I should have made more of an effort to keep him from climbing the mini-tree, because now he'll have the taste for climbing the larger ones -- which is a BIG problem given how difficult it could be to get him back down.

It would be nice if there lighting were better here, both for recording him, but more importantly, for keeping track of him in the darkness. Hmmm, maybe I can rig-up some sort of light to put on him...

My tactic for the near term is to let him out during the day when he's more afraid of the general activity level and is much less likely to get into trouble -- except for the increased dog-walking traffic, which he's smart enough to not get caught up in.

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