We have the cures, we need no more research to MAHA!

2 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/ )

Clay Clark: President Trump will be sworn in in January. The Trump administration, Trump 47 he and his team will be in the White House with the ability to actually make big change. What changes should be done right away?
Judy Mikovits, PhD: In order to make America healthy again, Trump put Bobby Kennedy in the perfect spot with the head of the HHS, Health and Human Services, because from the FDA to the EPA, we've been poisoned in our land, in our soil and our water and our air, polluted for a very long time. And that's what Bobby said in that Foreword of our book "Plague Of Corruption," which, of course, published April 14, 2020 the movie pandemic was based upon it, but more importantly, we wrote it over five years from 2014 to 2019, and when we were at some of these conferences with Bobby, I basically said, How can I help Bobby? And he said, there's something missing. And I said, I know you're busy, Bobby, just read the last chapter. The last chapter for the book had been “The Way Forward.” And that's where we had that meeting in Florida, where Roger Stone said it's a second term problem. Well, the way forward is that we've already done the research, we don't have to do the research. The last chapter: "Maybe there's one more story I should tell you!" is we saved everything.
We have all the data. We know the risk groups, we have the monoclonal antibodies, we have the cures, we need no more research. We simply need to translate. And so I'm really excited that we can do what we did back in 1983 in the Biological Response Modifiers Program.

11/20/2024 - Thrivetime Show: https://rumble.com/v5rfllq-dr.-judy-mikovits-will-donald-j.-trump-and-robert-f.-kennedy-jr.-be-able-to.html

Uncensored Books: https://therealdrjudy.com/uncensored-books

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