THANKS! Thank You JESUS!! We are gonna make it!! Wait What?! WW3?!

2 months ago

Two weeks ago, Americans chose closed borders, American sovereignty, smaller government, LIFE, and the end of the military-industrial complex, which is actually global money laundering with tax $$$. In The 2024 Presidential Election, we dodged a marxist bullet, a forced march into an Orwellian Nightmare, and a trail of tears to a transhumanist utopia, YAY! Then, as a last despicable act, in the last six weeks of its reign of terror, the present failed administration THAT AMERICANS OVERWHELMINGLY VOTED AGAINST allied with Ukraine to fire American missiles into Russia, which has been very clear they want peace, provoking WW3…….Good Times.

Friends, THANKFULLY, Americans are waking up! Thankfully, the church is beginning to understand that woke passive Christianity has rolled out the red carpet for tyrants, and OF COURSE, God Himself is delivering us NOW; we must understand how we got to such a conflicting, desperate moment in our nation’s history. THIS is why The Awakening Action Class exists. We answer the question, how did we get here, and how do we secure our freedoms in this generation and the next? Now more than ever, America needs the truth delivered in The Awakening Action Class!

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