EP 212- Stella O'Malley | Tomboys, Womanface, and the Luxury of Gender Confusion (FREE FIRST HOUR)

1 month ago

Hunter and I had the unbridled joy of chatting with Irish psychotherapist, bestselling author, public speaker, and mother, Stella O’Malley about her own experience with gender dysphoria, gender affirmation as conversion therapy, patient advocacy, autogynephilia, the lack of cohesive “scenes”, and much more!

Stella’s website: https://www.stellaomalley.com/

Gender: A Wider Lens Substack: https://www.widerlenspod.com/

Gender: A Wider Lens YouTube channel: / @widerlenspod

Genspect website: https://genspect.org/

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Music by The Godawful Joy: https://thegodawfuljoy.bandcamp.com/releases and Matt Presti: https://www.mattpresti.com/music.html

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