Ep. 43 I Started a Torah Online Marketplace & a Publishing Co. (+ Life with Sheep!) - Sarah Williams

2 months ago

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In this episode we talk to Sarah Williams all about how she overcame trauma and adversity to find Torah, enjoy family life on a farm, start multiple businesses and work for Kaleb House, a Torah Observant nonprofit that rescues and rehabilitates formerly sex-trafficked children ... all while homeschooling her own children. Sarah recently launched Kehilla Market, an Etsy-like marketplace for Torah Observant creators and producers to sell their wares. She also provides full-spectrum publishing services for would-be authors, including guidance, editing, cover design and publishing through her publishing company, Debarim Publishing. We discuss the publishing industry, writing, Kaleb House's work and goals, raising sheep and the need to connect Torah Observant businesses.

Connect with Sarah:
Debarim Publishing: https://www.debarimpublishing.com/
Kehilla Market: https://www.kehillamarket.com/
Support Kaleb House: https://www.kalebhouse.org/donate

The LIFE Podcast is sponsored by:

Shepherd's Crook Coffee! Use code: THELIFE for 25% off your first order of coffee fresh-roasted by Torah Observant hands: https://www.shepherdscrookcoffee.com

THE WAY documentary, a film which tells the story of countless believers around the world who’ve traded Easter ham for Passover lamb and Sunday church for Saturday Sabbath - all in an effort to live like their Savior. Learn more and buy your DVD, digital download or 10 hr Extended Edition at:

THE TRUTH: REFORMATION 2.0 is a light-hearted, hard-hitting apologetics book from the creators of The Way documentary. It's the first book of its kind to offer systematic, biblical answers to every mainstream Christian objection to Torah observance. Learn more and get your copy (digital or paperback) at: https://www.thewaydoc.com/thetruth

THE CHRISTMAS QUESTION documentary: https://www.thewaydoc.com/collections... This documentary unravels the history of the holiday and explores the implications for today's Christians. This film answers the question: Is it a sin for Christians to celebrate Christmas?

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