Pub Wisdom - 003 The Irregular Regulars

4 months ago

Pub Wisdom - 003 Johnny Pat & Dan drop 2 Irregular Regulars
Nightmare on Cone Street
Halloween vs Christmas, Jason messes up another Quote, "A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials." Seneca, Johnny Pat's first job, Rewards for work ethic, Constructive Criticism, Social Media filters, parental guidance, epidemic of adult aged adolescence, voice communication & tonality, Complexities of the English language & communication, enjoy the time you have, Would the greats have faded if they didn't die young?

Pub Wisdom is a podcast about all things interesting with interesting people and a few adult beverages involved.

Host: Jason Kiley
CoHost: Dan the Journalist (Irregular Regular)
CoHost: Johnny Pat the HVAC Guy (Irregular Regular)

Music bits From:
Bring Us Pints of Beer · Korpiklaani
Valhalla Calling - Miracle of Sound
Hammered - Hair of the Dog
Beer Beer - Korpiklaani
Man with a Plan - Korpiklaani
Have a Drink on Me - AC/DC
The Tale of Cu Chulainn - Miracle of Sound
I love this Bar - Sammy Hagar
Vodka - Korpiklaani
Shall we take a turn - Korpiklaani
Jaegermeister - Korpiklaani


YouTube: @jtkstudios4168


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