Let the Holy Spirit Speak!

3 months ago

The Holy Spirit is our Emmanuel -- God with us -- right here, right now! The Holy Spirit IS Jesus. He IS God. And He lives within every single believer in Jesus Christ. What an amazing gift!! GOD is actually within us at all times!

Yet so many Christians have no idea how to communicate with Him, how to recognize His voice, or spend time in His presence.

Some people even try to silence and shut down the Holy Spirit by saying that He cannot speak to us today. Don't believe that terrible lie!

Learn how to hear the Holy Spirit's voice by spending time with Him in prayer, reading His love letter to you (the Bible), and spending time with others who understand the wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit. It is the most fantastic way to live!

#HolySpiritPower #holyspiritfilled #HolySpiritActivate #holyspiritcome #HolySpiritPresence

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