Trump: Democrats are TREASON!

2 months ago

The deep state, the traitors and the treasonous people inside the USA are never held accountable. Until that happens, USA will never be safe. When was the last time a politician or general or anybody in Washington or these blue states like California and New York ever been charged with Treason. The perfect cover the traitors use is told that they were targets of having Chinese Spies. Democrats have had more spies in their democrat party then any other poltical group. Its more like they work wirh Chinese Spies and when caught they say they are victims. Like Swawell and Feinstein both needed to be charged with Treason and or espianoge and removed from office. When the spooks protect their belove it Democrats there will not be any accountability.

If Trump wants to really protect this country he must start at the root of it all!...

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