Jarrett & Dershowitz on Judge Merchan's 4 Year Delay

3 months ago

Gregg Jarrett by far my favorite lawyer for interviews. This is ridiculous, but I've heard reports it's what Trump wants so the conviction is never entered. Also works for Bragg who can brag about the conviction instead of being shamed by a higher court overturning. Dershowitz and Jarrett would rather see it tossed by the NY appellate court, but I've got to say, I think their confidence is misplaced. NEW YORK appellate court, not where I'd want to be either, if I were Trump, and if they went along with the nonsense there would be protracted appeals process would have to go to SCOTUS who are also less than reliable. Should the fate of the nation rest with the courts, in the first place? I think this is the right move by Trump's team.

Basically what happened, which was confusing because of more JUDGE MERCHAN weird rulings, the sentencing was to happen before the elections, then he postponed it to Oct. 26, then if I understand/remember correctly, he re-postponed it to Nov. 26 but said he'd announce his decision on whether to Vacate it November 12, then he postponed that announcement to November 19, then Nov. 19 came and he adjourned without saying anything, and Bragg announced Dec. 9 deadline to consider vacating, then the 4y delay.

Easy to lose in all these details, bombarded by enemy propaganda, that Trump is NOT a "convicted felon" even pending the appeals until the Judge ENTERS the conviction at sentencing. Notice in the Gergagos clip on my page (the new one w/ Bragg's Daniel Penny case, not the verdict reaction), that even the lib pundits are starting to recognize this. So I don't know what Trump will do, but hypothetically, he could sue just about every news network for calling him "convicted felon" repeatedly.

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