November 25 - Galatians 4-6 #savedbygrace #faithvsworks

3 months ago

Our Chronological Bible reading plan for November 25, 2024 is Galatians 4-6. #earlychurch #churchleadership #bibleinorder #chronologicalbible #savedbygrace #savedbygracethroughfaith

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We are believers of Jesus reading and studying the Bible together in chronological order. This video podcast is a chronological Bible study companion. For your copy of the chronological Bible study, visit for a free download.

David Doty explores the themes of inheritance and promise in Christ, emphasizing our identity as heirs according to the promise made to Abraham. He discusses the importance of living by faith, the journey of spiritual growth, and the evidence of true salvation through the fruits of the Spirit. Doty encourages believers to serve one another in love, fulfilling the law of Christ and demonstrating their faith through actions.

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