The Imperative of Christian Involvement

2 months ago

This is the full length version of the two video series where I give a justification of political involvement with particular emphasis on the Christian community and Christian philosophy.


<h2>Part 1</h2>
00:00:00 Preamble
00:00:01 Reference 1: <a href="" target="_blank">Dominion Theology Thesis</a>
00:00:56 'Dominion Theology' and Its Relation to Philosophical Themes
00:02:00 The Imperative of Political Involvement
00:02:40 Your relationship to the State
00:03:24 Trump's political comeback and the Trump problem
00:05:00 If we all voted...
00:05:50 The early Fundamentalists and the withdrawal of Christian from the public square
00:08:03 The Rise of the Antichrist and The Rapture
00:09:10 "The Last Days" and Dispensationalism
00:11:00 "The Fundamentals" as an academic reaction to Theological Liberalism
00:12:30 The split of the Seminaries
00:13:50 "Fundamentalism" as anti-intellectualist and obscurantist
00:14:50 Orthodox Presbyterianism as the intellectual guardians of orthodoxy
00:15:58 Dominion Theology as a return to orthodox Reformed thinking
00:16:40 The repoliticisation of Christian thought
00:17:40 The sad state of the British Church
00:18:48 The role of Trump
00:20:24 Romans 13 as the locus classicus of how we view the State
00:22:45 Do Rights come from the State or God?
00:24:00 The American Constitution
00:24:30 The Globalist vision
00:25:55 The misunderstanding of Romans 13
00:27:15 The boundaries of Christian obedience and resistance
00:28:45 The Christian revolutionary
00:30:50 English Common Law as the reaction the 'Divine Right of Kings'
00:33:00 The Administrative or "Deep State"
00:37:00 The case for political agnosticism: ISBN 978-0-7684-7756-6
00:40:01 My reaction to political agnosticism: <a href="" target="_blank">Church and State</a>
00:41:55 COVID as a case study for tyranny
00:43:00 Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones - Romans 13: ISBN: 978-0-85151-824-4
00:48:00 The imperative of involvement from history
00:51:00 Summary and Conclusion

<h2>Part 2</h2>
00:00:00 The imperative for involvement in culture
00:01:15 Why we should NOT be involved?
00:02:30 The detatchment from the democratic process
00:02:55 The tyranny of the minority
00:05:41 The tyranny of the majority
00:07:30 The case study of LGBTQ...
00:09:01 "Rivers of blood"
00:10:50 The decay of Britain
00:12:00 Involvement as the antidote to extremism
00:12:40 The political equation of witholding your vote
00:13:10 The cost of suffrage
00:14:50 Has the nation state run its course?
00:15:20 More global government - the WHO as case study
00:16:50 Our relation with the Liberal elites
00:17:50 The historical precedent for Christian political involvement
00:20:00 The anomaly of the First Wave of Fundamentalism
00:22:00 The Prophecy Conferences and the End Time pessimism
00:23:30 Premillenialism, Amillenialism, Postmillennialism
00:25:30 The rise of amillenialism with the conversion of Constantine
00:26:30 The postmillennial view and its decline
00:29:00 Dospensationalism as an aberration of premillennialism
00:30:00 The book of Daniel and its authentication
00:33:21 The rationalist presupposition
00:35:00 Roger Price's tapes on Daniel: <a href="" target="_blank">The Book of Daniel</a>
00:37:00 Roger Price's tapes on Eschatology: <a href="" target="_blank">Three Main Views</a>
00:38:00 The Rapture, the Tribulation and Cultural Pessimism of Dispensationalism as the rationale for non-participation in politics and culture.
00:44:00 Packer, J.I., Fundamentalism and the Word of God (Grand Rapids, Eerdmans: 1958)
00:44:27 My Master's thesis (web version): <a href="" target="_blank">Dominion Theology Thesis</a>
00:46:00 The discreditable nature of the Rapture doctrine
00:47:18 Quitting your job because Jesus is Coming!
00:49:00 Being concerned with the things above, not on this Earth, as a reason for non-involvement
00:50:15 The Dominion Mandate as a mandate for involvement
00:52:28 Van Til's Reformation of Christian Apologetics
00:55:00 R J Rushdoony and his sociological application of Van Til.
00:57:22 Modern postmillennialism.
00:58:20 Kuyper and sphere sovereignty.
01:00:09 The rejection of religion as a private matter.
01:02:00 The cost of non-involvement - victims of those that are involved.
01:03:40 Finney's political involvement
01:05:00 1 Timothy 2 and social peace.
01:06:00 Wesley's political involvement.
01:09:00 JG Machen's political involvement.
01:10:00 The rejection of the Social Gospel as a justification for non-involvement.
01:12:00 Rushdoony and Reconstructionism as modern postmillenialism.
01:16:00 The Papal Hegemony contrasted with Dominion Theology.
01:17:10 The principles of involvement.
01:20:00 We do not lose our earthly citizenship when we become Christians.
01:22:00 IVF as a case study for Christian proffessionals.
01:25:40 Environmental management as a case study.
01:26:30 The imperative for intellectual involvement.

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