Warrior Bride arise

2 months ago

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Warrior Bride arise

Prophetic Word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
10th of November 2024 03.17

Warriorbride arise, arise from the ashes and shine.

I have prepared your fingers for war. I AM sending out My war-eagles to break down the strongholds of My enemy.

My fire has gone before Me and righteousness are shouting holy, holy, holy!

My lions are rising and Roaring with boldness in an unprecedented way.

My Kingdom will be visible, manifesting and established.

Rise! Oh rise, My war-eagles undercover and very soon the world will discover I AM THAT I AM in this land.

I Am calling out the young lions and the young lioness to Roar.

They will Roar in the schools and in every institution.

They will Roar in the streets and they will worship Me in sports events.

They will worship Me and their hearts will be filled with the Holy Spirit and lead others to My Son Yeshua Hamasiach with such boldness and fire.

My Spirit is going to visit all the places in an unprecedented and interesting unusual way.

I WILL SAY IT AGAIN that I AM going to various places that you have never expected like pubs and bars.

Who says that I can not go there?

Didn't I go into Sodom and Gomorrah to rescue Lot?

I was the fourth man in the fire with Daniel and his friends.

Didn't I close the mouth of the lion's den for My servant Daniel?

I can go places even in Hell. I AM the one who has created everything with My words.

Light be! I breathed into the nostrils of Adam.

I Am dethroning the serpent in all those places and platforms in the entertainment industry.

I Am dethroning the serpent in various places where he had his stronghold.

I have dispatched My Angel Armies on the Earth and they are waiting for your declaration and decrees to be sent out.

Rise in your authority now! Lift up your voices and use it to break open the doors with worship, praise and Thanksgiving.

Oh, yes My Warrior Bride is rising with worship and singing.

The bells are ringing and ringing with freedom and liberation to the body of Christ.

Many sons and daughters will rise in dignity because they have been despised.

The least of My children that no one has ever seen will shine suddenly with power and divine grace.

You will be transformed with the Holy Spirit and fire because I want My sons and daughters to be visible in this hour.

My Kingdom will come and know your visitation. Be like Issachar and know My timing in everything you do.

My sheep hear My voice and they will follow Me. Thus saith the Lord Your God.

I AM God the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I AM THAT I AM, the burning bush.

Buy wisdom in this hour because I Am the strong tower.
You will need Me to discern the spirit realm.

My Warriorbride, you will stand and watch My salvation. The hour has come to flip the tables on the stock market.

My glory, My glory, My glory! Is going before Me.

Know your visitation! Very soon everything will be changed and nothing will be of the old.

It's a new era, it is a new birth that is taking place.

Psalm 144:1
Genesis 49:9
Genesis 19:1-29
Daniel 3:24-26
John 10: 27-28
Matt. 22:32
Luk. 19:37-44
Acts 2:17
Joel 2:28-32

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