Sunny Hostin - A Racist, Gaslighting Deep-Stater ?

3 months ago

Sunny Hostin said recently that she was a lawyer working to fight child trafficking...really? So why doesn't Sunny Hostin provide more insight into her findings, why doesn't she expose the deep-state's SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse), the CIA, FBI, DHS, Red Cross, UNICEF etc, all of whom are involved with child trafficking, perhaps she could pass comment on the zionist khazars who are behind it all and the Child Trafficking cartels, the Clinton's and their dealings in Haiti, Obama's, the Biden's, Kamala Harris, Adrenochrome, the tunnels and the DUMBs... and so on. I'll tell you why, because her maternal grandfather was a Sephardic Jew. The Sephardi also come from the Khazarian False Jews, remember approx 80% rebranded themselves as Ashkenazim, the rest (20%) went to North Africa, and in my humble opinion I do believe the Sephardic False Jews rebadged themselves as radical Islamists, which is why there are so many similarities between radical muslims and zionists. Perhaps Sunny Hostin can comment on the Freemasons connection, that the courts are Talmudic Courts, why the Talmud OK's pedophilia at 4 years and 1 day of age, very much like the Quran. The Freemasons are heavily linked to Islam and Zionism. Maybe Sunny Hostin can do a show where she tells how the Nazis (AshkeNAZI) are two of a kind, another rebrand, same with the Bolsheviks who were the Red Army NOT Russia, that the Soviets were Bolshevik controllers of Russia. Maybe, just maybe Sunny Hostin can report on "The View" (a deep-state mouthpiece) on the real Holocaust called 'HOLODOMOR' and why Nazis and Zionists have a fondness for concentration camps, aka Gulags (95% of the Bolsheviks were Khazars), aka FEMA Camps (the neocon-centration camps) or the largest one of all...Gaza? The zionist Globalists and their quest for world domination on the back of Covid-19 genocide, famines, food control failed miserably because Trump and the White Hats Military Alliance ruined their quest to fulfil WW3 as per satanic 33rd Freemason Albert Pike's prophecy to build a third temple on Temple Mount and install the 'Anti-Christ'... maybe she could explain to The View's brainwashed people how the Jesuits has satanic control of the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church and most Churches as they were involved in world slavery by virtue of the Birth Certificate scam that made every man, woman, and child a bonded slave. Maybe, just maybe Sunny Hostin could explain the first legal slave owner was a black man called Anthony Johnson, that the first slaves to America were White Irish families, most imported slaves were White, not black. Will Sunny Hostin explain that the opioid crisis was largely caused by a zionist Ashkenazi family called The Sacklers, and that the biggest slave owners were Khazarians (False Jews). For a long time Sunny Hostin has shown signs of a deluded meltdown, but she is not deluded, is she just scared of the truth that is about to be unleashed, I do believe so. So many things are about to be exposed, Epstein Island, Diddy Party List, and much more, and we are fully aware that the legacy media/tell-a-vision is or was fully controlled by the Khazarian Mafia. Maybe Sunny Hostin is caught between a rock and a hard place, is she being blackmailed/pressured to stay a slave to the deep-state, who knows but to be fair I think it's wise to give her some benefit of doubt, perhaps.

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