BRICS Global Reach Webinar

3 months ago

The American Security Council Foundation presented a BRICS Webinar on November 13, 2024. This Webinar addresses how an expanding BRICS could impact the global economy. BRICS started with Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. They have recently expanded their membership to Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, UAE, and Saudi Arabia. Saudi has not confirmed if they will accept. As the emerging markets deepen their collaboration, they may begin to challenge the dominance of the U.S. dollar.

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The American Security Council Foundation was founded in 1958 to fight communism in the United States. The ASCF successfully started a Peace Through Strength Coalition, which had the bipartisan support of over 200 members of Congress through the Cold War Era. One of those members was President Ronald Reagan. Reagan would thank the ASCF for its work on a "Peace Through Strength" strategy. The ASCF is an educational, nonpartisan, non-profit 501(c)(3). Please help continue our mission by donating at

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