LIFE IS SO MUNDANE JUST WATCH THIS VIDEO - Andrew Tate Motivational Speech

3 months ago

Life is so mundane I've always had this problem with literal crippling Perpetual boredom. I was bored, I had no money, I'm carrying boxes of ice. I'm a smart guy; I'm not playing chess anymore. This is quite a few years ago, before the internet, before Facebook was all big and nothing. What do you do with your life? What's there to do? I thought I need to do something which drains me so that I can go to sleep at night without frustration. If I kickbox, if I run three miles to the gym and then fight for three hours and run three miles home, at least I can sleep. I literally couldn't sleep. I wouldn't say it's ADHD, but I was just frustrated. On top of that, I've always had this huge frustration in regards to money. Even though I was poor, I'd grow up around a bunch of other poor kids. We'd be walking to school or college and a Ferrari would drive by. They'd go, "Oh, cool Ferrari." I'd say, "Doesn't that annoy you?" They'd be like, "What do you mean?" I'd be like, "He knows he's hacked The Matrix. How does he have 400 grand for a car? He knows something we don't know. Aren't you annoyed that there's people out there living a lifestyle that we can't ever aspire to? We're never going to work a job and pull this off. Doesn't this bother you?" And they'd be like, "No." But me, I was always angry. I was always angry. Not angry in a go-to-jail way, but just in a, I was angry. I was like, "Something isn't right. Something doesn't add up." So kickboxing was my answer. I just started kicking people's asses and I felt a little bit better. That was kind of how it worked

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