Fantastic 4: The Search for Shalla-Bal Marathon

3 months ago

Here's the marathon for what I think is the least problematic fic I'd made in my very old Fantastic 4 OC series, based on the Silver Surfer NES game and the 2 underappreciated Fantastic 4 films. This was just the conclusion of the entire series before I became jaded and had a fallout following the cast...

And best part? This podfic has no audio issues!! :D

Chapter 1: @0:00
Chapter 2: @34:17
Chapter 3: @51:35
Chapter 4: @1:06:58
Chapter 5: @1:21:10
Chapter 6: @1:34:16
Finale: @1:57:55

Also, just for lulz: - AVGN in The Silver Surfer

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