Dr Judy Mikovits on LEIDOS Airport Scanners and the DOD Bioweapons Program. (1 min, 32 sec)

3 months ago

DiamQnd in the rQugh:
I hate to say I told you so,but I TOLD YOU SO. save your health now that she validates what I've been saying for 2 years.

Dr Judy Mikovits on LEIDOS Airport Scanners and the DOD Bioweapons Program. (1 min, 32 sec)

Judy Mikovits: What I propose to do for the Kennedy-Trump team, and everybody's asking for Fauci to be destroyed. They're forgetting about Gallo and the National Cancer Institute, which was the bio weapon Institute, and Leidos. What is Leidos? This thing in an airport? Oh, what is software causing you physical harm? They detonate the bio switch and everybody they want to. Get those things out of our airport now. Thank you, Mr. Trump. Leidos is the contractor that is my employer at the National Cancer Institute.

Clay Clark: What is Leidos? Help educate us about, the airport, Leidos...

Judy Mikovits, PhD: L E I D O S, look it up. It's that machine where you have to put your feet in two places and stand there with your hands over your head like you're a common effing criminal. Not in my America, you don't, and you have to opt out of that machine! Or that's the software that the TSA is told is just as dangerous as your iPhone. We all know how dangerous your iPhone is when they program it to hit the detonate switch. So Leidos is the contractor for the National Cancer, they're a bioweapons program. They're a DOD defense.

Thrivetime Show: https://rumble.com/v5p1d4w-dr.-judy-mikovits-what-is-the-connection-between-dr.-anthony.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp


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