Quranic Proofs

4 months ago

The Existence of Evidence is Evidence for the Bible • The Existence of Evidence is Evidence...

Duplicating a Surah is too vague a challenge- • Why the Challenge Verses of the Quran... ; The great challenge of the Quran- • The Great Challenge of the Quran

Some atheists took up the challenge to produce something like a Surah in Arabic here- https://www.skeptical-science.com/rel... .

Rejected by Muslims - • Someone Made a surah like the Quran!?...
Muslims claim it does prove it to non-Arabic speaker - • How can the Qur'an be a Miracle for N...

Why the Quran Was Revealed in Arabic • Why the Quran Was Revealed in Arabic

Ali Dawah Says Quran Scientific Miracles debunked- • DOES THE QURAN HAVE SCIENTIFIC MIRACL...

So-called fulfilled prophecies (check the references) - https://www.alislam.org/articles/fulf... ; • Muhammad’s Failed Prophecies
Skeptics annotated Quran: https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/pa...

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