Many Laborers are needed during Harvest Season... Servants, spread Light! ❤️ Jesus thru Bertha Dudde

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Many Laborers are needed during Harvest Season... Servants, spread Light!

February 2, 1950 - Message 4828 from Jesus through Bertha Dudde

At the time of harvest many laborers are needed, and therefore I welcome all who offer themselves to Me in service. Everyone will be placed according to his capabilities, in the place where he can work and provide his service according to his strength. I will not reject anyone, because the work before the end is urgent and I cannot have enough reapers when the time of harvest has come.

However, they must give Me their will and their loyalty, they must stand up for their Lord as capable servants and accept His instructions, always with the firm will to act accordingly and thereby provide Me with faithful service.

Yet they must not only carry out My will but make this will their very own, that is, they must be convinced that only through their work can their fellow men be helped, that their spiritual work is not merely carried out mechanically or according to My instructions, but that it gives them pleasure, for they recognize that this work alone brings success for the soul.

Everything that My servants do for Me and My kingdom must be carried out with complete conviction, with eager devotion and with love, only then are they true servants whom I have chosen to work for Me.

He who carries out his task merely under duress will not reap any blessings, he will not be able to be the proper leader of the blind, because he himself cannot see. To serve Me means to be active in love for your fellow men, to assist them in their spiritual and physical need.

For I do this out of My love, yet My servants shall do it in My stead, they shall represent Me, thus they shall fulfill their Lord's will if He Himself cannot express Himself on account of those who cannot bear to be near Me because of their immature state of mind. I must speak to them, and for this purpose eager servants shall lend Me their mouths, so that I may speak to all who have need of My Word.

There is much work to be done in My vineyard, there are many uncultivated fields; they are human hearts which are to be made receptive for the pure sowing, for the Gospel, which originates in Me and is to lead the people back to Me.

And thus, anyone who spreads My Gospel, who enlightens his fellow men and enables them to receive My Word, who prepares their hearts for love, making them receptive for Me, is My servant and renders a fitting service to Me, and he will already be blessed on earth, and one day in the spiritual kingdom as well, for he will help to save many souls from eternal death. He spreads light and illuminates the path to Me, the path to eternal life... Amen

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