Choice Wins: North Carolina House Overrides Roy Cooper's Veto Of School Choice Legislation

2 months ago

Posted • November 21, 2024: We like school choice. Love it, really. This writer uses school choice to send her boys to Catholic schools because -- after the disaster that was 'remote learning' (thanks, Governor Evers!) -- she was never, ever sending her boys to public school again. And that's how it should be. That money should follow the student and not public schools, which are often failing our children. In North Carolina, Democrat Governor Roy Cooper recently vetoed a school choice bill. Because Democrat. But the House just overrode that veto: North Carolina House just voted to OVERRIDE Governor Roy Cooper's veto of a school choice bill. The vote was 72 to 44, more than the required 60% supermajority. The bill clears the school choice waitlist of 54,000 students by funding their scholarships. -- That's amazing.

Speaker Tim Moore: "Having passed by the requisite three-fifths vote, the House has OVERRIDDEN the Governor's veto, and the bill was sent to the Senate by special message." -- The Senate is expected to pass the bill with the required 60% supermajority. Let's GO! Rep. Tricia Cotham was instrumental in getting universal school choice in North Carolina. She switched from the Democrat Party to the GOP on the issue of school choice in 2023. This is what political courage looks like. This is what putting kids before unions looks like. Kudos to Tricia Cotham. -- Tricia Cotham: "It is shameful for our governor to try and set up a fight between hurricane victim relief and children. They are not the same." - "This is a great day for North Carolina. It's going to be a great day for families and for children." -- You can say that again. House Bill 10 - Veto Override 🚨 72 to 44 ✅ (…)

• More at: Twitchy - CHOICE WINS: NC House Overrides Roy Cooper's Veto of School Choice Legislation

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