Florida Coffee Club Ep #23 with John Siamas and Steven Goodwin

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County and FEMA land grabs in Citrus County?
Our first guest is John Siamas
John has a background with the IRS and the Dept of Defense. He was a Defense Contract Auditor. John has been auditing for many years and knows where to mine the data from. What he has to say about Citrus County will blow your mind!

Our second guest is Steven Goodwin.
Steven recently headed to North Carolina and he has some information to share with you regarding the conditions there and the land grab for mining!

Are land grabs happening here in Citrus County also? Don't miss this show! You will want to alert your friends that live on the water.

For more information on the land grabs visit the following links:

A little about Steven:
Steven is a retired over the road trucker. He write weekly stories in The Hernando Sun, and has enjoyed doing so for well over 2 years. His stories have come from the many (what I call) "Fluffy Adventures" that I have experienced in my life. I would tell stories at holiday parties, and people would say, " You should write a book"!

So as of late, I have done just that.

"Keeping My Balance" should be available within a few weeks.

It is my belief (and opinion) that if life has been good to you, then you should do something about it, so as this season of severe storms have taken so much from so many, I feel that some paying back is a good idea, especially at time!

If you missed this story you can see it again here…
Joe and Linda McCoy have been embroiled in a legal battle with the town of Pittsfield, NH over their right to free speech. (( Their biggest Trump sign in New Hampshire )), hit the front page news papers, Millions of copies sold, Millions of Patriots saw Trump and Loved It, ( But His Town Board Members Did Not ) They told The McCoys to Remove Trump (Due To Complaints), or, pay their 500.00 Per Day

You can help the McCoys here..https://www.givesendgo.com/McCoysHome

NOW IS THE TIME! Please join us and share the show…

Ask for the link and come on the show! We want to hear what you have to say.

Instruct your servants!
It's time for the People to come together and re-establish our constitutionally secured Authority over government servants. We the People have spoken, learned our rights and must continue to press forward diligently in restoring our great Republic to its original state of legitimate law and order, as it is our duty.

Please take the time to read, sign and share the following three notices regarding some of the nation's most urgent and pressing matters.

Transgression against parental rights- https://form.jotform.com/243225075210141

Cruel and unusual punishment (j6) - https://form.jotform.com/243225943717157

Trafficking - https://form.jotform.com/243225072023140

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