Canonicity by Catholics

2 months ago

So, the bible stands alone authenticating its own claims by the revelation necessary to justify any and all knowledge (I.e., presuppositional apologetics). It gives us in its teachings the preconditions needed to account for intelligibility and what we experience. It doesn’t need any unbridled tyranny as the Roman Magisterium claiming anything. The scripture must be what it claims when evaluating those claims because there are no other worldviews to begin with; no other suit fits. This is particularly troubling for Catholics for their authority claims are mere usurpations. If they attempt to claim the bible is the word of God because of prophecies or any inherent properties of scripture, then they confirm sola scriptura. If they claim it is the word of God on their say so, they lay a fallacy as their cornerstone. And we can still disregard their say so and see that the bibles claims are independent; I don’t need to know where it came from to examine its claims. For the God of scripture established the church and secured his word and preserved it by his people because he is omnipotent and faithful. But if we discarded all historical claims about the bible, it is what it claims to be by the evaluation of its teachings.

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