A Reckoning Is Coming For Those Who Rape Children and Harvest Their Organs

3 months ago

Good morning PUREBLOODS! Today we're going to talk about A Reckoning. Just imagine for a moment:

If all child rapists were exposed and held accountable for their actions, there could potentially be a massive social upheaval. The consequences could be severe, ranging from public shaming to physical violence against offenders. In some cases, the fallout may even extend to family members or associates of the perpetrators.

Because that's the prediction out there. That's why such secrecy. Because while there are (sadly) a lot of child rapists and monsters who butcher children for profit to sell organs.

There's about to be billions more who are committed to finding them, stopping them, and then absolutely ensuring they are nerfed from committing such crimes again.

It's past time to deal with The THEY = The communists/satanists/pedophiles shitting about this planet of ours. We didn't start this war, but we will certainly finish it...

Good Morning!

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