🇺🇸The US-based animal shelter "The Humane Society":

3 months ago

🇺🇸The US-based animal shelter "The Humane Society":

Runs 0 pet shelters.
Gives just 1% to animal shelters as financial grants.
Has over $300 million in investments.
Even kids know that doesn't make the grade
Is this just another money making, money laundering scheme❓and
JUDY NOTE: Fri. 22 Nov. 2024: On Tues. 19 Nov. President Trump announced he would be “coming home in three days” – which added up to Fri. 22 Nov. – the anniversary of President Kennedy’s Assassination, and the same Fri. 22 Nov. at 10am EST date of Supreme Court announcements – one of which was expected to be their already decided positive opinion on the Brunson 2020 Election Fraud Case, which would bring down the Biden Administration and all of Congress – and allow Trump to come back as our duly elected President.

· Sun. 1 Dec. to Mon. 2 Dec. 2024: Project Sandman with an expected fall of US Dollar.

· Thurs. 5 Dec. 04 2024: Q Clock reaches 00, The Final Hour.

· Mon. 25 Dec. 04 2024: Justice Reborn – the new Nuremberg Trials Begin. A global reckoning unfolds before our eyes. Prepare yourself for what lies ahead. The truth can no longer be contained.

B. WED. 20 NOV. 2024: THE EBS …Ezra A. Cohen on Telegram

· Absolutely no time frames have been given.

· You are to follow the EBS when it happens, to the letter.

· There have been many suspicions on time limits, but absolutely nothing is set in stone about any of it. Absolutely nothing.

· Absolutely no one knows and it is designed this way for a reason.

· We deal with what we know and all we have been told is that (1) everyone will be home and (2) it will be at the top of the hour.

· Other than these two facts given to us by the one operator that is dialed in, no one knows Jack Crap.

· It will happen when it is time.

· The general consensus in Decoder Groups is to be ready for 3-6 weeks.

· Follow all EBS direction.

· Everything has already been factored.

· You will be fine. Do not panic.

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