Controlled Unclassified Information

2 months ago

On Wednesday, July 30th 2014, Dr. Patrick Viscuso, Associate Director of the Information Security Oversight Office, gave a brief presentation about the Controlled Unclassified Information Program.

Executive Order 13556, “Controlled Unclassified Information,” November 4, 2010 (the Order) established the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Program to standardize the way the Executive branch handles unclassified information that requires protection. There are currently over 100 different ways of characterizing this type of information, and this lack of clarity has resulted in inconsistent markings, inadequate safeguarding, and needless restrictions.

CUI reform is designed to address these deficiencies, both by standardizing procedures and by providing a common definition through the CUI Registry, which identifies the categories and subcategories of unclassified information that require safeguarding and dissemination controls consistent with law, Federal regulation, and Government-wide policies. The reform emphasizes openness, transparency, and uniformity of Government-wide practices. The Information Security Oversight Office manages the CUI Program and fulfills Executive Agent responsibilities designated by the Order to NARA.

This video is fully captioned for audio accessibility. For visual accessibility, a detailed text description of the video's visual presentation suitable for screen readers is available here:

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