Article 'From AI To Musk's Brain Chips, FDA's Device Unit Faces Rapid Change' Has 20 SRA Comms.

3 months ago

Seattle Times Business Section Article Image On Artificial Intelligence Found On Page A12, Titled: 'From AI To Musk's Brain Chips, FDA's Device Unit Faces Rapid Change' Contains 20 Hidden SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) Comms.

The Monday, November 11, 2024
These Comms Are:

1.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Make You Think That Kamala Harris Is Smart And Funny.

2.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Make You Think Joe Biden Is President Of The United States.

3.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Make Americans Think That The USA Is In Decline.

4.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Make Americans Think That The USA Is Racist.

5.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Make Americans Think That The USA Is Sexist

6.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Get Americans To Think Poorly Of The United States Of America.

7.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Get Americans To Think That The USA Is Homophobic.

8.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Get Americans To Think That The USA Is Transphobic.

9.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Get Americans To Think That The USA Is Xenophobic.

10.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Get Americans To Think That The USA Is Islamophobic.

11.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Get Americans To Think That Russia Is Our Enemy.

12.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Make Americans Think That Russian President Vladimir Putin Is Evil.

13.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Make You Think That Americans Are Greedy And Selfish.

14.) SRA

15.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Make You Think That Americans Are Rude And Mean.

16.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Make You Think That Not Saving Ukraine Is A National Security Threat.

17.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Make You Think That Stopping Russia Was A National Security Threat.

18.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Make You Think That United States Elections Are Fair And Accurately Counted.

19.) We Use Artificial Intelligence To Make You Think The Media Is Fair And Balanced.

20.) SRA

These SRA Comms Are Well Hidden In This Image, But Once Uncovered, Lay Out The Truth About SRA Actions And Intentions Related To SRA's Use Of Artificial Intelligence As A Weapon Against America, Against The American People, Against Other Countries And Their Leaders, And Against Free And Fair Elections.

#America #Americans #AI #Russia #Putin #Elections #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris #Racism #Sexism #Homophobic #Transphobic #Xenophobic #Islamophobic #SRA #Ukraine #NationalSecurity #Media #FakeNews #IAm #Jesus #SonOfGod #SummitAttempt #MAGA #Trump2020

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