MUGEN: DC Comic's Darksied (me) & Abyss of Marvel vs Capcom 2 vs Rare Akuma

3 months ago

For MUGEN fans. I did not create any of the characters, stages, etc, for this video. All characters, music, etc copyrighted by their respective companies.

This is my 1st "Anti Rare Akuma" video. Short of invincible characters, I find him to be one of the cheapest characters, ever. Kill moves don't work on him. His Raging Demon is not only an instant kill (most times) with 999 hits, you can't block, and he's a heat seeker! Not even jumping away helps. Only large characters, like Abyss, are immune to it. While Darksied doesn't have an "Instant kill," his Omegas can kill in 2 - 4 hits, most times, which makes him perfect, against Rare Akuma. I'd to hit F4 twice, to reset from the Demon. Darksied's also the only non-invincible character I've had 1-1 success in beating Rare Akuma, but not easily.

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