In between Worlds - Timeline Shift An Energy Update - Start Here.

3 months ago

Hi all, hope you are well. An energy update on what Archangel Metatron calls being 'in-between worlds' - our mind may have arrived - our body not - tread very cautiously for the roots and foundations of this new timeline are not yet fully formed - but have trust and faith that all is well and we are on track.
The patience of the Buddha and waiting for humanity to settle
Where we are in God's class room
Making peace with the past
Sorrow and Joy
Lifting the curse of non forgiveness
Not standing on the sidelines but also not knowing quite how to play the game ...yet
Starting at the beginning again - ego needs to sit this one out.
Creation being soft and fluid not brittle, intransient and narrow minded.
Moving into the not knowing, and letting go of being right
Power of community and co created experiences
Love to all

@AmandaEllis #timelineshift

Oracle and Tarot Cards:
Aboriginal Dreamtime Oracle Mel Brown, The Time Travellers Oracle Denise Linn, The Fifth Tarot by Martien & Teressena Bakens. Art Through The Eyes of the Soul Oracle by Cheryl Yambrech Rose, Sacred Earth Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno

Archangel Metatron White Light Light Download Aura Spray

To donate (thank you)

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Music Intro: - - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

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