The Pentagon is running out of missiles.

3 months ago

American logistics expert based in China video: The Pentagon is running out of missiles. After December 1, that will be a big problem. 美國駐華後勤物流專家影片:五角大廈飛彈快用完了12月1日之後,這將是一個大問題

Protracted wars in the Middle East and Ukraine are draining the US arsenal of interceptor missiles. The problem is especially severe in Palestine and in the Red Sea, where dozens of missiles are launched monthly against incoming rockets and drones.

Pentagon officials are urgently pushing weapons makers to produce more, but are bumping up against capacity and CAPEX constraints.

In another blow, China just announced an export ban on dual-use metals that are critical to the manufacture of missiles and other aerospace applications in the defense sector. Magnesium and tungsten, in particular, are two key materials necessary for the production of missiles, but where China effectively has monopolized the refining and production. China's export ban will take effect on 1 December.

中東和烏克蘭曠日持久的戰爭正在耗盡美國的攔截飛彈武庫。 這個問題在巴勒斯坦和紅海尤其嚴重,那裡每月都會發射數十枚飛彈來對抗來襲的火箭和無人機。


另一個打擊是,中國剛剛宣布對軍民兩用金屬實施出口禁令,這些金屬對於製造飛彈和國防領域的其他航空航天應用至關重要。 尤其是鎂和鎢,是生產飛彈所需的兩種關鍵材料,但中國實際上壟斷了其精煉和生產。 中國的出口禁令將於12月1日生效.

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