Kanada's Justin Castro-Trudeau is another Hapsburg Bloodline thUg Backstabbing Good People

3 months ago

Justin's mother was told by the Hapsburg part of the Talmudic Mystery School cUlt to create Castro's offspring inside her... It is a bloodline domination cUlt that serves their hidden Homo capensis masters, the ancient devils that can live for thousands of years due to A.i. genetic manipulations before the Great Iceage. Public education has severly dumbed down all the non-cUlt-sworn people. Their Agenda2030 is now to destroy Western Civilization and genocide the sheeple with the aide of ancient A.i. technologies from the satan-race of ancient monsters hiding in DUMBs: https://ugetube.com/watch/phil-schneider-deep-underground-military-bases-2-3-mp4_Q24k2Vw38rLFmLJ.html

Canada was shut down by Castro for a fake virus: https://ugetube.com/watch/covid-19-foreign-military-occupation-mp4_BcqvtGhuy4NdNIK.html
To Canada's embarrassment is this Castro fraudster: https://ugetube.com/watch/embarrassment-to-canada-and-his-daddy_JQDNa7sQZktVGdK.html

Karen Hudes tried to expose the gold stolen and buried by Japanese leaders during WWII. https://old.bitchute.com/video/PxPBJVDGqstO/ They plan to hide that stolen gold until the NWO takes over the entire world. Brachy-Cephalic skulls: https://old.bitchute.com/video/kTzkYr1isugp/
Homo capensis skulls are where the murderous bloodlines come from satan-race interbreeding with human women: https://ugetube.com/watch/enlongated-cone-head-of-paracas-peru-lost-human-history-revealed-mp4_ckyBR8Xr9bR3zwK.html

source: 738,643 views Jun 15, 2016
Professor Hamamoto Interviews Leuren Moret for a wide-ranging conversation that inspires a radically new understanding of world civilization and its current manifestations. (You need to watch the complete original video).

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