DITL: Making Homemade Juice & Preserving Homegrown Turkeys

3 months ago

Today we can chicken soup, make fresh juice, can turkeys and prepare a couple for the freezer

Thanks to ‪@amzchefappliance‬ for sponsoring today’s video! 🎉
👉 Amzchef Juicer: https://iamzchef.com/?ref=lfh (30% OFF CODE: LFH30)
👉 Link to juicer on Amazon: https://amzn.to/4fkXSgX

👉 Debone and Can A Whole Turkey ~ Plus Make and Can Broth: • Debone and Can A Whole Turkey ~ Plus ...

Our Azure Referral Code: azurestandard.com/start and enter code: DanielleJones15

Our Amazon Affiliate Code: https://amzn.to/3Vnnhh1

519 I-30 # 724
Rockwall, TX 75087

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The Jones Family
Brian - dad
Danielle - mom
Brooke - 20
Bailey - 18 (Check out her channel: https://www.youtube.com/@simplymadebyhand )
Joshua - 15
Samuel - 13
Jonathan - 12
Rebekah - 10
Matthew - 8
Hannah - 6
Daniel - 4
Abigail - 1

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