There Is A Plan - The Q Documentary - Dr. Jan Halper Hayes

2 months ago

Dr. Jan, who is a political psychologist and sits on a task force at the DOD, has played a major role sharing her views with respect to the Q Plan. She provided us crumbs in the beginning, but now she is spreading truth through many interviews with many Q Patriots. The Australian Colonel at the end of this video explains how to speak to people when they to blame President Trump for their loved one's disability or death. Ultimately, the deep state is to blame.
The video also shows Trump's interview with Oprah answering her question as to whether or not he wanted to become President, JFK's speech and other Trump speaches.Trump states we are going to obliterate the deep state and he was extremely serious when he promised. Trump is a wartime president. Also includes Steve Bannon's speachRiccardo Bossi explains the Q Plan, the 200 generals and admirals recruited and is supporting Trump to implenting The Plan based on The Law of War Manual, approved by Congress in 2016, which basically signed their death warrants (the traitors who attempted to overthrow our government (coup de tate). Trump's judical cases are discussed. When the FBI raided Mar-a-logo, the deep state was looking for Trump's PEADS to find out what his plan was to destroy the traitors. Obama repealed an Act which allowed the MSM to propogandize the people. MSM is fake news. The people are the news now. Trump offered them to surrender, but those who refused, will in the end be arrested. We cannot anticipate Trump's next move, because he plays 5D chess. Q drop and Trump states, "We have it all; we have them all."

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