Lightworkers Falling Prey To REPTILIAN Manipulation. What You Need To Know & How to Avoid this!

21 days ago

Humanity is currently walking through a 4D Simulation Tunnel that acts as a Frequency-Bridge between 3D (Duality) and 5D (Unity Consciousness). This 4D tunnel is designed to show us our shadows, wounds and all parts of our unhealed trauma. There are Angels in 4D as well as Dark beings such as negative ETs, common household entities as well as demons and overlords.
These negatively oriented beings play an essential role in our Ascension, although most people discount them to be a simple menace. These beings are here to teach us about our shadows and all parts of our Consciousness that we refuse to look at because it is too painful.

As the saying goes "We break the mirrors that remind us of our ugliness".

4D is indeed a hall of broken mirrors where we get to heal our deepest most painful Core-Wounds. And as we do so, we begin to emerge as the crystal clear, unbroken, TRUE VERSION of ourselves. This is a magnificent and HISTORIC “event” in ones life journey, where enough healing has taken place that a wellspring of eternal joy and love emerges infinitely from the depths of ones soul.

We are super excited to connect with you soon on this VERY potent topic :-)

Love you, see you soon (please share) xoxo
Eldora & Siman

*Check out ASCENSION UNIVERSITY “New Earth Mystery School” at

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