HOW to Navigate SURVIVAL STRESS and OVERWHELM with Life's Challenges💕

3 months ago

Hi Soul Family💕 We are excited to connect with you LIVE today and dive into WHY so many Lightworkers are feeling exhausted, dis-illusioned, and overwhelmed with life in general.

The energy of 2023 has kept us on our toes with the INTENSITY constantly increasing and Challenging us to BREAK OUT of our Comfort Zones and Create NEW PARADIGMS, habits, and patterns that align with a higher version of ourself.

Although the outside world often feels CHAOTIC, a HUGE re-conditioning is taking place in the Human Consciousness. There is a Mass-Awakening taking place, and this intensity is forcing us to make positive changes that we have been avoiding for so long.

We can no longer afford to be complacent. As Earth Ascends into a New Level of her Consciousness, it is paramount that we all take a deep look at every aspect of our lives and SHED any parts that are no longer resonating with our present reality.

Set your reminders, and looking forward to connecting LIVE in a few hours 😊

EldoRa & Siman
*New Earth Mystery School:
* House of RA's New Earth Music Festival:

#ascension #lightworkers #awakening

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