Exceptions, Rules & Infallibility

2 months ago

The bible justifies belief in itself because unless what it teaches about God is assumed no knowledge is possible. And so, it is demonstrable in objective certainty that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge, and there is in fact no wisdom nor counsel nor understanding against him. (Psa. 111:10, Prov. 1:7, 9:10, 21:30) He himself is the source of all of these things. He is the source of uniformity and laws in nature and the source of morality. We derive these truths from scripture as the foundation of our Christian philosophy. But along with this truth is the guarantee that this God gave his word and will oversee it until the end of the world. (Mt.28:18-20) To question the canon is to question the existence of the very God necessary to justify thought and evidence for anything whatsoever. It is to cut off the very branch you are sitting on. If that God spoke, then most assuredly he preserved his words to all generations.

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