Avoid this horse ride SCAM in Karachi, Pakistan 🇵🇰

3 months ago

Avoid this horse ride SCAM in Karachi, Pakistan 🇵🇰
This was easily my worst experience in Karachi. Actually, other than getting awful food poisoning, it was my only bad experience in the city. 99% of people in Karachi are kind hearted but if you stay in any city long enough, eventually you're bound to run into some bad guys.

I had visited Karachi's Clifton Beach previously and had a wonderful time there. I met friendly locals, had enjoyable camel and dune buggy rides, ate some tasty biryani and fried fish. Nobody tried to take advantage of me the whole time I was there.

I enjoyed that beach experience so much that I booked a hotel right next to it. I was planning on enjoying many more happy days at the beach.

After checking in to the hotel I went straight to the beach. The area of the beach I was staying next to was called 'Sea View Beach' by the locals but it's just another area of Clifton Beach.

It was very quiet, with it being a Friday. As soon as I entered the beach, two guys on horses sprinted towards me. I had planned on take a horse or camel ride at some point so I negotiated a price of 200 rupees with one of them for a ride to the Chunky Monkey amusement park.

He didn't take me to Chunky Monkey, though. He took me down to the water and then handed me off to another guy on a horse.

I felt like I was getting scammed in some way. Maybe they were going to ask for double the money because the second guy was taking me for a second ride or something. He was taking me towards Chunky Monkey, which is where I wanted to go though.

As I rode with this guy, I tried to reconfirm the price with him, so there would be no disputes afterwards. He made it clear that 200 was for, what he called 'one ride', and that I'd have to pay for multiple rides. I immediately asked him to stop and said I'd walk the remaining distance but he refused to stop.

Not only would he not let me get off the horse but did a u-turn and took me back to where I started the ride. I was screaming at him telling him that was not the way I wanted to go but he made the excuse that if he takes the horse back himself without a rider that the two horses would fight.

After finally getting off the horse the two scammers asked me for 5,000. As if I was just going to give them 25 times the price that we had agreed. How stupid did they think I was.

I tried to give him 1,000 rupees, which is what I would have given him anyway as a tip, just like I did with the camel and dune buggy guys in my previous Clifton Beach video. He wouldn't accept it but I slipped it in his pocket and walked away.

They kept arguing with me and tried to stop me leaving but I was determined not to give them even 1 rupee more.

I thought I had gotten rid of them and decided to take a camel ride to Chunky Monkey but the horse guys seen me from quite a distance and sprinted over to me. They were either side of the camel harassing me non stop. The camel boy refused to let me down off the camel so I was trapped there, sandwiched between the two scammers.

There were very few people on the beach so it was scary to think what might happen. Who knows what these guys were capable off if there were no witnesses around.

Fortunately a local guy that I called out to for help came over and tried to talk to the scammers. While he talked to them the camel boy got the camel to lie down so I could get off.

I explained the situation to the friendly local, while the two scammers were arguing with him that I owe them 5,000. I just decided to walk away. There was no scenario where I would willing hand over another rupee to those scammers so there was no point in me staying there.

Fortunately I got away from the beach but I was constantly looking over my shoulder the whole time. And despite staying in a hotel next to the beach I never visited that beach again. I was worried I'd run into those same guys again and what might happen if there was nobody else around.
Dale Phillip
Dave Philip
Dave Phillip
Dale Philips
Dave Philips
Dale Phillips
Dave Phillips
Dale Vlogger
tourist trap
tourist scam
Pakistan scam
Karachi scam
scammer payback
avoid scams
Karachi Beach
Scam Vlog
Avoid Scammers
Travel Scam
Tourist Scam
Travel Advice
Travel Safety
Is Pakistan Safe?
Pakistan Safe For Tourists
Solo Travel
Budget Travel
Sea View
Sea View Beach

📍 Sea View Beach, Karachi, Pakistan 🇵🇰
Exact co-ordinates where this incident took place: 24.782269, 67.050278 (near Playa Bar and Grill)

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