The Framework for History

3 months ago

The reason we must consider the question of the canon from a Presuppositional Apologetics standpoint is because the question of which books are inspired, and which books belong in the canon is not a historical question it is a theological one. It was an event in history and so history is involved, but history can only provide varying degrees of probable knowledge. What we need is a more sure word of prophecy, we need “Thus saith the LORD”. The research of history presupposes a certain view of reality- of metaphysics and epistemology; a philosophy of history. And the Christian religion provides the only coherent foundation for that. In other words, for there to be such a thing as historical evidence the God of scripture must exist. In order to argue from history, we must already have a view of a particular sort of God in back of reality and not atheism, pantheism or deism. (None of which can justify causation, immaterial invariable laws of math & logic, our minds, or any continuity between the material and immaterial realms.)

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