Proof: Steve Wozniak says Christianity is delusional. Woz with hateful ANTI-Theist stance.

3 months ago

Steve Wozniak founder of #apple openly declared the religion of Christianity delusional in an email moments ago. Proof:

@thehunterooo @itspch_ @WolfsheadOnline

My brothers who know about liberal discrimination... You've never seen the founder of a trillion dollar corporation say he openly hates Christians til... now.

You've seen #blizzard, you seen #unity, you seen #shellgames, you seen #EA and the likes discriminate... But never has a founder of a company openly called the 2.4 billion Christians on Earth: Delusional.

This is beyond #atheism. This is open ANTI-THEISM.

This is a literal hate crime in countries without free speech.

In America, it violates the 1960s civil rights act.


Apple is in some BIG TIME CRIMES guys, get ahold of me.


Unless Steve Wozniak apologizes to Christians, he's gone beyond atheism to ANTI-Theism. Wozniak has declared he thinks Christians are a problem.

You can ask him why he called our religion delusional here:


Steve Wozinak, founder of Apple just personally emailed me moments ago and gave an official statement:

"our religion of Christianity is a delusion"
You may email Steve Woz and ask him why discriminates vs Christians:
Apple has been accused of discrimination in the past. I've seen them take down video games because they had crosses in them. Now the founder is openly calling Christianity a delusion.
Understand when you buy Apple Products, they are very anti Christian. The founder just made a statement today directly to me in email. If you don't have twitter: Is this the response you want to give me Steve Woz?
Do you understand you as a major figure for Apple your team just insulted all the #christians who buy your product? Apple suffers from discrimination crimes now.
Do you agree with your team that religion is a delusion? Are you trying to deny that I went to Carnegie Mellon? Took the class? Wrote these documents? Are you denying Apple came to CMU in 2015?
Dear Justice Department, Steve Wozniak of Apple has openly stated his policy at APPLE is anti Christian. Take this into account when people sue him for religious discrimination.
Department of Government Efficiency, realize Apple is anti-Christian, the founder Steve Wozniak openly told me in an email:
Ya know you used my designs at CMU for the iphone? Check out the original docs from 2000:
I invented :
#1 Virtual keyboard(I fought the whole class alone for 3 days!)
#2 Take Newton/Palm, add Cell phone connection
#3 Task switcher button (apple's main button)
#4 Back/Home (+task = Google's 3 button nav)
#5 Cloud Computing
#6 Wire to computer to move files
#7 MP3 play lists->The Ipod
#8 Voice recorder
#9 Contact list
#10 Fuzzy search settings by typing
#12 QR business Cards
#13 Advanced Scheduler
#14 Different Sounds for different alerts & Vibro/Visual/Sound Alert combo.
#15 The Smart Watch->Apple Watch
#16 The APP Store.
and more
I'm used to this world having no justice. I walk with Jesus Christ and he tells me never to expect any justice in this world... I live purely for the next world by being kind and helping everyone, exploited by all of Big Tech, I've never been hired, never been paid for a contract honestly... decades pass and I'm waiting for my first honest shake.
Well enjoy reviewing the designs and helping me or enjoy knowing you exploited me.
Either way I wish you well, for life is short and then we meet at the judgment seat of God with Jesus, hopefully both of us living long lives.
I'm curious if you're truly a good guy or if it's all just an act.
Jesus knows.
Take care,
James W. Sager III - Father of the Smart Phone

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