Joe Rogan: Take 6 mins and watch this and you will never fall for BS from Pharma

3 months ago

This is one of the most important videos on 𝕏.

Take 6 minutes to hear Calley Means EXPOSE the past 100 YEARS of corruption in our Medical and Food industries.

“John D. Rockefeller’s personal lawyer wrote the Flexner Report for Congress that set the standard … today for medical education.

It literally says in the binding guidelines that holistic health and nutrition … is pseudoscience. It says we need to name the condition and cut it out or prescribe it.

Rescinding the Flexner Report and having updated scientific education and standard of care guidelines based on what we’ve learned since 1909 about the majesty of the interconnectedness of our body is a really good start.

John D. Rockefeller’s lawyer wrote this personal report. Why? Because John D. Rockefeller is the father of the pharmaceutical industry, and created pharmaceuticals from byproducts of oil production, and was the first investor in Johns Hopkins and other major medical schools.

He created Johns Hopkins and the standard of residency training as a way to silo diseases, very intentionally, and then prescribe his products and interventions as the top pharmaceutical-maker. The medical schools were basically a distribution system to him.

The medical industry saw the birth control pill in the late 1950s-1960s. The birth control pill was the first pill in world history that people took for longer than a couple weeks.

The Sackler family … created Valium, and 30% of women in the United States in the 1970s were on Valium.

We started creating all these psychiatric conditions, we started medicalizing heart disease, we started medicalizing type 2 diabetes, started creating academic research totally funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

The second the Surgeon General report saying smoking wasn’t great came out, Philip Morris and R.J. Reynolds … used their cash piles, and by 1990, the three largest M&A deals were cigarette companies buying food companies.

They did two things very, very intentionally: They took over the institutions of trust to say ultra-processed food was healthy, and then they took their scientists and rigged the food itself to make it more addictive.”
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