Rifle Marksmanship with the M1 Rifle Preparatory Training

3 months ago

A classic series of instructional films made in 1942-43 for educating servicemen in the proper use of the M1 Garand rifle by the United States Army Signal Corps on behalf of the US War Department (predecessor to the Department of Defense). All three public domain films are included. The three sections focus on sling usage, shooting positions and sight adjustments respectively. The techniques demonstrated are as viable today as they were then and are applicable to rifles in general. This is a great place to start for those unfamiliar with this historic weapon, or even for old experts looking to refresh their skills. A must-view for those aspiring to participate in service rifle competition.

The official service manual makes a good companion to this film.

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a US government-chartered program designed to promote firearms safety training and rifle practice for all qualified U.S. citizens with a special emphasis on youth. To that end, the CMP allows Americans with membership in an affiliated organization (typically Boy Scout troops, 4H or a local shooting club) the opportunity to purchase surplus M1 Garand (among other) rifles at remarkably low prices. In many cases these are the actual rifles that were employed in WWI, WWII and Korea. Unfortunately as a result of President Obama issuing an Executive Order banning the re-importation of arms lent to other nations (the primary source of rifles for the Program), the CMP's supply of these historic rifles is now dwindling. The Garand fires the readily available .30-06 hunting round and makes a wonderful first high-power rifle, or a fantastic addition to any collection. It is nearly identical in form and function to its technological descendants, the venerable M14 serving with US forces around the world to this day, its semi-auto civilian counterpart known as the M1A, and the relatively diminutive Mini-14 relied upon by ranchers and farmers across the nation.

Being in the public domain, these films are available for free download (split into two files) at the Internet Archive.

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