Conviction | The Spirit Of Truth | Holy Spirit Pt. 2

1 month ago

Conviction *

The fruits of the spirit come into play through self-accountability which can only happen when you are convicted by the truth.

The spirit of truth is what most now called a watered down “Holy Spirit” use thew terminology that Jesus uses.

When God gets to Paul he convicts him with truth, then love becomes a reality.

The reverse cannot happen. Not if you want a genuine relationship with God. Would you want to have a loving relationship with a liar? Same things applies. You love people genuinely because of truth and honesty.

Honesty is the brutality of the truth. But that is what love is centered and founded upon. This is why you can’t preach too much grace and mercy because the conviction of truth will also reveal the truth of grace and mercy. It’s not forced, it leads people to it.

David writes psalms of His loving kindness through the conviction of the truth of what he had done.

Love cannot lead without truth. The church has failed christians because they promote love but not truth. That is something they sacrifice and it results in believers that are not convicted to stay by truth but only feel like staying when they feel loved.

Truth is respected, love own it’s own without truth cannot be respected or honored. It’s only taken advantage of.

Satan deludes pastors to preach about the products of truth like love, grace, mercy, patience, etc. because without the truth they don’t mean anything at all. Pastors equally allow this to happen to them and through them. Understanding the value of grace and mercy means you need to learn more about Jesus and experience who He is through the Spirit of Truth. Not just one a year for easter.

When the sweet result of truth is sold to people first and then the truth is delivered or offered people reject it because it doesn’t fit the narrative simply because it creates the narrative. This is why the reverse order doesn’t work. This is satan’s delusion inside the church. Everything is based upon the foundation of that Truth that spoke life into existence and just as much freed us from the slavery of sin.

Conviction of truth leads to a process that heals and mends to then bring the final result of all the good things that God has for us.

First it alters your perception of reality then your discernment is refined through Truth to then change your actions and reactions to redefine who you are. Everyone can have similar actions but very different reactions. The fruits of the spirit filter your reactions and end up defining you as a man or woman of God.

Show myron golden truth word breakdown in Hebrew. Even the word Truth displays the trinity in its wholeness of it. Without the Spirit of Truth you cannot be led to the rest of it. Furthermore the byproducts of it.

This is why the Spirit of Truth (AKA Holy Spirit) is so important because this can’t be faked. People can recite the Bible sales pitch or sound like a pastor in movies too they do it all the time. What you can never do is fake the Spirit and what the Spirit does to you because it shows you so much about yourself.

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