Gun Violence Restraining Order Part I Missing Person Coercive Control Electronic Privacy 11-20-2024

3 months ago

Gun Violence Restraining Order Part I Missing Person Coercive Control Electronic Privacy 11-20-2024

Friends, Patriots, Community Members, Men, Women, State Nationals, Children, and Everyone Else:
This is a very brief summary of events that has happened to me.

I am attending a court hearing only to postpone my case at the:

(Criminals have no phone number or email)

On Friday, November 22, 2024

In Department 40

At 1:00 p.m.

It is west of Highway 65 and just north of Blue Oaks Blvd. in Roseville, California in Placer County.

This case is an “Emergency Gun Violence Red Flag Restraining Order.” This is a civil order against me filed by the COUNTY OF PLACER county counsel. The county counsel is a group of attorneys that handle non-criminal general civil law matters for the county. They are what I term the “catch all” attorneys that handle a variety of matters that turn up for any of the 3,143 counties across the nation. Simple things such as contract disputes with vendors, insurance matters, injuries on county property, lawsuits, etc. would be examples of things the county counsel manages.
The county counsel does not file or defend any cases that are criminal in nature such as traffic incidents that are infractions requiring fines, misdemeanors, or felonies where jail or prison time can be a punishment for the crime. The county district attorney’s office handles those kinds of cases. I wanted to make this clear to everyone because I was charged with no crime whatsoever.

On Wednesday, 11/13/2024 at about approximately 9:00 p.m. I was stopped on Walerga Rd. north of PFE Rd. in the COUNTY OF PLACER on the far west side of the county just north of Antelope. There were approximately 30 peace officers, the SWAT Team and an armored personnel carrier. I was in the southbound lane heading to work.
I was not speeding and there was no traffic violations or other crimes.
I was held at gunpoint by about 30 peace officers.
My shy, meek, and mild wife is in a million pieces.
I acted peacefully, respectfully, and followed all commands issued by these peace officers to me. There were no known physical injuries sustained by the peace officers or me.
The arresting officers issued an emergency gun violence red-flag restraining order against me signed by a judge based on false statements. I was not violent. I had made no threats whatsoever. I also had no arms on my person or in my vehicle. I have a history of always advocated for peace and following the rule of law. I have event sent videos of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King as an example of peacefully advocating for human rights, constitutional rights, and civil rights.
I had no arms in my home; however, ammunition was listed on the restraining order, and I did have some ammunition in my home.
My arms were legal and lawful. They were located in a private trust in another city in the COUNTY OF PLACER.
The peace officers said that no matter where the arms were located that I had to turn them over to them via a search and seizure of my home in Roseville, California and my brother’s home in Rocklin, California.
I had put my arms in a private trust in my brothers home due to my desire to focus my life on matters of healing myself, helping others, helping with humanitarian work, and studying religious matters more. This was an idea to take me away from things like arms and into a more inner focused spiritual world that can be summarized in the teachings of God and Jesus in the Bible. This was a very public decision that many people knew about when it happened about a year ago.
I have no negative feelings against arms. I support adamantly the right of all lawful people to keep and bare arms peacefully according to the highest law of the land.
I am not affiliated with any particular group that supports or does not support the right to bare arms.
I wrote a 190-page treatise recently because of several reasons:
1. This treatise was primarily initiated because I had an ex-employee who was suicided. This was a person where the body was dumped on my front doorstep. I reached out to the parties involved in this matter and they acquiesced to the matter of the person being suicided. The entire investigation was covered up. We had non-English speaking family members left in extreme distress. They were coerced into compliance and silence by a government agency.

2. During my preliminary investigation, I learned that a retired government official was acting as a peace officer and “managing” the “investigation” that did not exist. It left me wondering why we had two key officials elected to office when there was only supposed to be one official elected to office. It made no sense to me.

3. On a prior occasion I had been told by a retied county employee that there was what is termed a “Gang” of officials, retired and non-retried that all work together to manage the government. In other words, we had one so-called “elected officials” and several other officials who were not elected who told the elected official what to do and what orders to follow. This was a crime syndicate.

4. In 2022, I had recorded a video about a former county official who raped a minor female in a county vehicle with a county uniform on his person. This was a video I made in conjunction with Project Veritas, an investigative journalism organization. I was thanked profusely by a key investigator from a law enforcement agency. He expressly told me publicly that nobody was willing to make such a video – only me. It was an honor to be thanked for defending an innocent child of a grave crime.

5. I have spoken publicly about severe child sex trafficking, cannibalism of children, Satanic Ritual Abuse, rape, the “Ritual of Blasphemy” ceremony, etc. I have investigated such matters intently for many years. I even had a special class on Satanic Ritual Abuse by a detective many years ago when I was a peace officer. That particular detective studied Satanic Ritual Abuse Cases (SRA).

6. The treatise I wrote recently dealt with a whole number of crimes against humanity, war crimes, corruption, genocide, human trafficking, slavery, involuntary servitude, election fraud, and racketeering, etc. The treatise serves as a tiny fraction of the totality of the evidence I have.

7. I conducted an interview of a female ex-peace officer who was terminated for turning her boyfriend in who molested a minor child.

8. I was advocating for better healthcare of peace officers who were out on stress leave, injured from their job, or had PTSD.

9. In the manual I go over many matters of extreme evidence, reasonable suspicion, and probable cause which are legal terms that add up evidence to give peace officers reason under the law to investigate potential crimes or make arrests.
10. In the treatise, I go over my confidential informants and their credibility, one of which is tied to the Retired General Michael Flynn Team in Mar-a-Lago, Florida and the Commander-in-Chief of the US Military.

11. In the treatise I cover my own experience where I work in a volunteer capacity within a civilian-US Military partnership. I have been collecting information on grave crimes, the law, evidence, witnesses, victims, etc., and have been reporting those crimes to various high level commanders in the US Military as well as to the Commander-in-Chief of the US Military as well as to high-level retired US Military commanders.

12. 13 mothers locally representing 39,000 residents have asked me specifically to report very dangerous and grave crimes to the US Military. The Ret. General Michael Flynn Team has said to my credible confidential informant that “It is the man’s job to report crimes to the US Military.” I volunteered for this position. I wrote an 800 page report on Directed Energy Weapons where 50,000 people on the West Coast were annihilated. A few months later the President of the United States put together a commission to study the harms of Directed Energy Weapons.

13. I have even gathered and disseminated substantive evidence on a particular wealthy Egyptian terrorist that the chain of command from the Commander-in-Chief’s Team told my friend to tell me to disseminate to my contacts. I sent it to roughly 2,300 people and asked them to pass it on to protect the Office of President. The intent was to get the information across the US by factoring as can be illustrated in mathematics. Nobody listened. The safety situation of the US Secret Service went unheard. Later, President Trump was shot in the ear.

14. I have questioned the lawfulness of the 2022 elections. I believe they were rigged via Dominion voting machines and other acts of fraud, including, but not limited to faulty ballots. I saw two government officials admit via acquiescence to cheating and fraud in the elections.

15. I have worked in the past on the faulty pay of the first responders in the area where I live. I located numerous sources of stolen funds across 3,143 counties; however, I was not the person who originally found the funds. I cannot take credit where credit is not due. I can say that when I discovered this information through other patriotic Americans, I put it in my treatise regarding my friends who were suicided recently.

Here is what the Peace Officers and Officials Did:

1. The peace officer officials came to my home and told my wife and brother that I committed no crimes and did nothing wrong. They were just trying to prevent future violence from happening. They were punishing me for future crimes not yet committed.

2. There were accusations in the emergency gun violence restraining order that essentially said that if I was peaceful, that meant I was violent. If I was lawful, that meant I was unlawful.

3. My attorney said that the word I used - the word “Coroner” that was typed on the business card of the retried law enforcement personnel was violent. In other words, using a “violent” word that is part of a person’s title of office, can be construed as making a person like me guilty of future violence.

4. Additionally, since the retired government officials were out of office, but still worked for the sheriff’s office as indicated on the business card, I felt the need to send my treatise of the person who was suicided to both the government office and the retired person’s home via US mail. My attorney said that was the final straw that broke the camel’s back in his opinion. Sending something one time through the US Mail like that means that I am “stalking” or “following” the retired government official around town, even though the stalking law does not state such a definition of stalking.

5. The county counsel accused me of being a “sovereign citizen” which means I am a free slave. I do not associate with or claim such definitions. I never have been part of that description. I do not know anyone who is. The court document accuses me of being part of a group that does not believe in having driver’s licenses, vehicle registration, or social security numbers, etc. I have all of those as well as insurance on all of my cars. Again, having a license means I have no license is the gist of the line of non-thinking and non-reasoning.
When I was arrested, I was taken into the jail for only two hours. This is the place where a highly credible and reliable community mother told me the US Military and/or federal agents had entered about a year before. They spent many weeks or months there. They found every crime known to man committed against the general population.
When I was there, in only two hours, I saw how all of my private medical information is released to the general prison population in violation of HIPAA laws. I could go further into the human rights abuses, but I will save that for another day.
One of the deputies asked me about firearms. I had to explain to him that the arms law enforcement uses are from the cave man days. Plasma weapons is the way to go to defend the land among other high technology weapons.
The other peace officer in the jail explained to me that “he was only doing his job” in regard to arresting me. He said to me, “It is your job to do the heavy lifting.” What he meant is that the peace officers are not allowed to speak about any issues of controversy. I know from speaking with people that they are not allowed to speak about children. He meant that it is my job to speak since I am not a peace officer, and I cannot be fired. I can only be arrested…
My attorney explained that I committed no crimes, broke no laws, and I fully cooperated with the peace officers. He said the search and seizure of my home was politically motivated. The peace officers said that if we do not allow them to search our residence, they would have to tear the house apart and the vehicles too. I could easily see a bill being racked up of $200,000 or so. I decided to skip all of that. I complied peacefully through coercive control.
I am leaving many details out of this event, including the tracing and tracking I learned about where peace officers use electronic tactical advantages against all of society. I believe I have many extreme violations of both civil rights and constitutional rights. Those will be part of another case.

Where we Are Going:
We have no chance using our regular laws. We must appeal to God and God’s Laws. The only way forward is prayer. Voting, protesting, violence, and weapons are obsolete.
I have always advocated for peace and following the rule of law. Since we are now in a period of time where peace means violence and following the rule of law means lawlessness, prayer to God is the next step.
I have been praying extensively. I plan on being on my knees and praying silently, peacefully, and lawfully in the Satanic courtroom. I want to encourage all people to get on their knees and pray. I have no other solutions.
I have met many angels, and they have explained many things to me. Also, God has appeared to me. Everything I am told are “good” things like loving our neighbors, etc. Angels and God have never told me to do anything negative.

Thank you for listening.


David Aria,
Federal Whistleblower

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