Dr Robert Duncan MIT Presentation on Neuroweapons used on American Civilians

2 months ago

Dr. Robert Duncan, a former DARPA, Department of Defense, CIA, NATO, and Harvard computer scientist (in neural networks, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and EEG controlled robotics), presented a remote lecture titled “The Ethics of Neuroweapons and Neuro-Technologies,” which went through neurotechnology advances that he’s encouraged by and then switches the lecture to a warning of the dark side of these advances: neuroweapons and advanced mind-control technology that totalitarian governments (US, Britain, China, and Russia) are using to mind-control societies, armies, and other governments right now.

[0:00:00] The Ethics of Neuroweapons and Neuro-Technologies
[0:02:59] Positive Applications of Neurotechnologies
[0:08:10] More Applications
[0:13:27] Other Neuro-Technologies
[0:15:53] The Dark Side of Weaponized Neuro-Technologies = Neuroweapons
[0:18:52] Definitions of Dial-in Lethality. Neuroweapons and Audio Perceptions
[0:35:36] Hacking the Human Mind
[0:43:23] Human Research and Experimentation
[0:46:24] Modernized MK-Ultra research (neurohacking)
[0:50:33] Brain-Nome, Brain Project, Cognitive Models
[0:55:01] Military and Intelligence Gathering
[0:58:59] Remote Interrogation and No Touch Torture
[1:00:16] S.A.T.A.N. = Silent Assasinations Through Adaptive Neural Networks
[1:03:54] Warning to Humanity
[1:15:47] Demonstrable Effects of Parameters of Synthetic Intelligence Networks
[1:23:21] AI-in-the-Middle Attack Architecture

Lecture played a clip of the Long Range Acoustic Delivery (LRAD) crowd-control sonic weapon that was used on families at the Canberra freedom rally in January 2022, as well as tech that can send a message to the ear of a person without anyone else being able to hear it. (02)
MIT laser hearing effect that can create a beam of sound that is transmitted into the brain as speech.
Holographic brain patterning via ultrasound to change the synaptic connections to alter brain patterns.
Radio/Microwave hearing effect (Frey) that is a non-lethal, no-touch, torture device already used by CIA & CCP.
Anytime you can focus electromagnetic energy onto a specific point, you’re going to heat the tissue.
We can kill you while you’re sleeping or fry your brain or internal organs,
increase cancer, damage the DNA,
& sensitize the target using neuromodulation methods.
Uni of Nevada, US Airforce consigned them to develop a battlefield non-lethal dopamine weapon, to flood the brain with dopamine to disable and disorientate them.
You can unlock certain DNA strands using certain radiofrequencies, which can include cancer-causing ones. You can also alter the body to re-uptake of ionic ions such as sodium, potassium, and calcium, etc.
Can use a cold virus to give a viral infection to all of humanity, and make them susceptible to whatever frequency we want their brains to be susceptible to.
Using neural dust (tiny microchips), which is so small you can inhale or ingest them, that help amplify neural-signals.
Magneto-nanoparticles – can be amplified to make them more susceptible to magnetic signals.
Audio-cortex hacking – he’s developed his own, which allows you to create an encrypted signal from any two minds, using the natural learning process of the brain that are only understood between those two minds and would appear like noise from an outsider trying to decrypt the channels – synthetic telepathy.
Hacking the human mind – advanced CIA interrogation and counter intelligence methods, brainwashing techniques, advanced neuro-combinations with AI, and the importance of NLP.
He said NLP is the most important method of being able to hack the more advanced minds.
We can now have an AI attack a brain between two individuals who are connected to the hive-mind.
Briefly touches on Historical examples of US government human experimentation on the public, of which he said there has been 100’s that been uncovered, including:
Operation sea breeze – US Navy testing biowarfare in San Francisco using a benign virus much like the common cold that had a greater infection rate than they were expecting,
Tuskegee Syphilis experiments
Radiation experiments on children
Spraying carcinogens in black neighborhoods for Eugenics purposes
LSD experiments
Modernized MK-Ultra Research (Neurohacking).
Brain-Nome, Brain Project, Cognitive Models = all about controlling the humans:
Bush “decade of the brain”
Obama “brain initiative, mapping the brain-nome, similar to human genome project“
Trump continued the research
He thinks the mentality across governments is “if we don’t do it, someone else will” despite the risk of the end of the human race.
CIA bringing it into public domain for normal scientists because they want to hide the ability they’ve had in their secret weapons programmes of being able to influence democracy and other atrocities they’ve already done.
Thought-police and solution: Firewalls – thought filters.
Military and Intelligence gathering – stealing passwords from the mind, dream programming and interrogation, getting building layouts and security systems, getting their contacts and networks for counter intelligence, mentally disabling and demoralizing the enemy, altering cognitive decision in real time, manipulating subliminally leaders of other countries.
Forced speech – an urge or pattern in the brain to make you say certain words; ie politician on a microphone, can make you say a different phrase.
We can create arrhythmia’s and heart attacks in target humans.
Microwave bombardment of embassy in 1960s.
Neuroweapons on Cuban embassy causing brain damage.
S.A.T.A.N. “Silent Assassinations Through Adaptive Neuralnetworks”
T.A.M.I (DARPA) = Thought and memory interface.
RHIC = remote hypnotic inter-cerebral control,
A.L.I.C.E. (MIT) and other chatterbots that was designed to waste people’s time but now can be weaponized to talk people to their death,
Walking and talking the target to their death (denial of service attack to the human mind)
Sleeper assassins (mostly hidden in the mentally ill labelled club).
Re-education camps & totalitarian governments is already happening.
Can create neurological problems:
Dementia, Alzheimer’s, forgetfulness
Schizophrenia is very easy
Bi-polar and altering the learning-rate including information-overload
De-patterning and brainwashing
Scrambling the connections, create split-personalities
Shared-learnings between networks
Pleasure, rewards, addictions
Pain, fear
Stealing knowledge from a mind
US, Britain, China, and Russia can pull this off world-wide over entire nations, taking advantage of the ignorance of humanity.
Demo of his AI-in-the-middle attack architecture which alters the biases in the neural network.

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